A Thousand Splendid SunsA Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book drained me. It's emotional, heartbreaking and so realistic. You could swear that these are no longer fictional characters that Khaled Housseini had carved from his imagination but they are real people that had experienced each and every single thing and endured the human cruelty.

I have to speak a little bit about the female characters in this book who are one of the BEST representation I've ever seen in a fiction book. They portray the Afghan woman so truthfully and beautifully. The Afghan woman is a symbol of endurance, love, friendship, courage, beauty and everything that a woman is supposed to be they carry mountains over their shoulders and they never whimper. I think of HER as an example of every and each woman around the world; capable, caring, passionate, tolerant, forgiving, giving, and most of all a WOMAN.

I had each and every feeling while reading this book; feelings of love, rage and fraustration fuelled by what the character had to go through, each and every injustice and hardship befales them. I remember I stopped reading for two days when feeling angry, crying in public when everything overwhelmed me.

Just remember that always there is HOPE.

10/10 STARS

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