Checkmate (Noughts and Crosses #3) by Malorie Blackman _SPOILERY REVIEW_

Review by Rim 


This is the third diamond of this series and it's the BOMB in the whole entire series. It's told through out the present and the past so we get bits of how Callie Rose was brought up and what really happened to her to turn on her mother Sephy and what Jude may have done to cause that tention to start, grow and spread.

This book is told through different voices alike "Sephy, Callie Rose, Jude, Meggie (Callum's mum), Jasmine (Sephy's mum)" which was great for the reader to get different view points on all what was going on by having different encounters of the stories and the events alike. 

I also liked how Callie Rose character was introduced and we get to follow her along childhood which really helped in pinning the turning point for her as the main character in this book and figuering where the damage (S) were done.

Also Sephy's character had major developments and it's a character that it's always present on the page and we got to see a complet new side of her; we get to know Sephy the single mother trying to make a living and fighting for her daughter's trust and love.

The thing I liked the most is we get to know more about Jasmine and Meggie and how this whole thing started from their friendship which was the starting point in all what had had happened.

I gave this book a 5/5 stars

(Initially this was a trilogy, but extended to a quadrilogy)


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