Knife Edge (Noughts and Crosses #2) by Malorie Blackman _ SPOILERY REVIEW_
Review by Rim
Knife edge is the second book in the series and in this book
we get to follow sephy and Jude but in this book we don’t see them clash into
each other as Jude promised Sephy in the short story. We get to see a different part of Jude which I believe was
clever and thought provoking it gets you to start to love him and hate him for
doing certain things and it really reflected how he, Jude, as human rather than
just a character in a book can be true, and when life feeds one lemons he may
squeeze them in anyone’s eyes and that could be a totally innocent human being.
Part of me really started to like Jude and think he may have changed and I really
hate me for that.
Also we get to see a complete different Sephy, she has matured into a women and proceeded to carry on with her life with her baby girl Callie Rose, despite the fact that she is a very young to be a mother at 18.
This book is so fast-paced and completely unpredictable and good thing is we get to see different sides of the other characters like Meggie and Jasmine which really helped in seeing different perspectives and sides to thestory.
Knife edge is so captivating rad and forgrounds th stepst towards the third book "Checkmate" (check my review) in a sense that it depictes the racial prejudice and injustice a human may go through.
This book ends on a cliffhanger just like the first book. But in this edition a sneak peek is offered into the next book, checkmate, which was really good. (THANK YOU PUBLISHER hhhh)
I dare say that this second book is far better than the first one and I gave it 5/5 stars.
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