ZaroxZarox by Louis Smith
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I received a copy of the e-book for an exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are mine.

‘No matter how great the battle or how devastating, keep an open mind. The power within will be the saviour,’”

I went into this book not Knowing much because that’s what I like when attempting to read any book, it’s my way for trying to be honest about my reviews also it’s more fun that way. ANYWAYS
Zarox is a middle grade fantasy novel about a group of 4 kids (Parker, Riley, Lucy and Callum) who were kidnapped by the evil glothers into a parallel world after they’ve gathered in their school playground at night (Riley’s dare).

“It would be awesomely freaky if instead of going to hang in the Churn Zone now, we came here during the night-time,” Riley then said.

Then, they met this creature Tralop who saves their lives and helps them escape from the glothers. Rotlier Rum, the Tralop, acknowledged them that their being there was not by chance and that he invited them by secretly feeding Riley a secret potion and that they were needed to save Zarox from the glothers’s evil emperor Zaron who has plans to rule over Zarox and destroy everything and everyone who step in his way even if it was the last Reltar, Lupar Reltar.
I want to talk first about the creatures presented in this book. Just WOOOW. I loved every one of them specially the bad ones, the descriptions of which are so magical and so beautiful presented and executed.
Also the world is so magical and whimsical and it definitely a world that I would love to see more of in upcoming books ( I HOPE THERE WILL BE MORE) and adventures in Zarox. It has good potential of being the world that kids will want to go to on adventures and fight all those bad creatures and become heroes with super magical powers.
The world was not the only thing I liked in this book; the characters representation also was so brilliant and every kid can see him/herself in one of the characters; talk about a boy who acts as wise as a grownups, a little brother who’s always ready for adventures and see his sibling as a role model, a “chubby” boy who has to be part of the team and one to be counted on to have your back and you can call a friend, and the best of them all in my opinion is a girl who’s as fierce as any of the boys with magical power who wins battles and values friendship.
Everyone has been a hero. I just want to be the one
that helps the group for once,” she said, looking glum.
These kids are the best combination is there in any group of friends because they are all look different and act different but at the end of the day they are FRIENDS that have each others’ backs and their differences are what make them good friends.
The settings and enchanted places that the kids go to are beautifully described and THE DREADED LAKE OF SHATTERED DREAMS is definitely my favorite ever it was so eerie, so scary but perfectly described, it was a place I wanted to visit personally though the most dangerous I would argue; talk about a lake which has hundreds of thousands of souls trapped inside of it and your fate to be one of those souls is decided by 3 evil ghosts rolling a dice (Now that’s pretty scary).
As for the writing style is something I don’t want to get into it in this review because as it was stated before that this book is a middle grade fantasy and I would never give it the credit it deserves, but if I was a 12 maybe 13 years old I wouldn’t mind it at all; but it was a minor issue that had not kept me from enjoying the book like really enjoying it because I took my time reading it and rereading some of those whimsical enchanted passages which I really loved.
I highly recommend this book for even younger readers starting from the age of 7/8 till 14 because it’s one of those books you give to kids on charismas to go on adventures while reading it with a flashlight from the comfort of their couches.

PS for parents: It is age appropriate no swearing words no aggressive behaviors. Just a magical world a kid can go to be his own hero and her own wonder woman.

View all my reviews


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