
Showing posts from August, 2017




Modified by Harper North My rating: 4 of 5 stars Wooow, Are we gonna survive the flip ?? it worries me you know!!!! I have to admit that I haven't read a sci-fi book in years because I lost interest, but I found this book different I liked the idea of the Flip that is when the planet's magnetic poles flipped, and everything became toxic to humans. In orer to survive the privileged humans (Leeches) are to live overground and Dwellers (Miners) are bred to work for them or they won't eat. The whole concept was new to me, usually we see alients, space pirates stuff like that in sci-fi. Through the book we follow Fin, Lacy and Drape who are Dwelleres that work the mines when Fin stumbles upon a gene modifing device when trying to stealing sth from the shippment that the Leeches send to EHC. Fin activated the device by accidant and she become mentally advanced. Now the EHC is after them. THis book was so fast-paced I flow through it though I found it dificult at the start to m...



BOOK REVIEW: "The Client" by John Grisham

Review by Rim I participated in the Tome Topple Readathon for the first time this year and I've chosen "The Client" by John Grisham since my edition was 566 pages. I enjoyed myself reading this book and participating in the sprint held by the hosts, though I joined late I managed to finish one tome, it was FUN!! SUMMARY OF THE PLOT: The story is about the Sway boys (Mark and Ricky) who stumbled upon Jerome Clifford in the wood when he was trying to killl himself. Ricky the youngest (8 years old) insisted they run away and leave the man suicide in peace BUT Mark (11 years old) insisted on watching him. Jerome tried to kill himself by using a garden hose which he attached to the rear of his car and decided to die using the fumes, but Mark didn't leave him in "peace" and he ased his way toward the trees and freed the garden hose two times on the third adventure Clifford got hold of him and through him in the car and told him that he wants hi...
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The Zahir by Paulo Coelho The first question that comes to mind when reading this book is what does the title mean? Well you won't be able to pin it down unless you attempt to check the book. But Here is a brief definition at least my understanding of the word "zahir" ; it's the feeling of something or someone's presence that occupies our full attention and we're unable to think of something else, I like to compare it to one's urgent need to go to the Lavatory and he/ she get cought up in a conversation that he can not under any circumstances end it or be excused so he can never consontrate on what's going on and can never get the physical need out of his mind, thus leading to madness or holiness (sorry for the comparison but it's quite accurate hhhhhhh) This book tells the story of a man who wakes up one day to find his wife (Esther) has gone missing and he doesn't have the slightest clue on where the hell did she go. He deduced that she ru...
Let There Be Light - a true story by Karolina Robinson My rating: 5 of 5 stars This book will give you all the feel. I felt sad, angry, raged, helpless, hopful, terrified, sympathized, scared and many other feelings I couldn't and I can't explain or express. It's just there is too much violence and discrimination. I felt the characters' grief, their troubles and their pain I longed to see them happy and felt happy when they seized the little moment to be happy. I can't possibly do justice to this book by simply writing this review or rating it five stars. How the hell could I give five stars to show my likeness of others suffering no no no no not ever gonna do that but I gave it 5 stars to show my support and my love to "Karo" and her mum, yes I called her Karo, and to tell her that she was brave she is actually. The story was so powerful and it's far more real to be told on papers I felt that Karolina skipped some of the part because simply they we...


Yes, you read that correct. When you are thinking of going to th gym in order to get fit and to have six packs and a nice abs or nice butt; I can do that at a library or a bookshop or even at home. It sounds silly but here is a list of activities we do unconciously while reading. Walking:  most of us go to the bookshop or the library in their neighbourhood, which in most of the cases its not that far from home probably 10 to 20 minutes. So, when you walk to get some books you are burning all the calories and getting that summer body ready. Weight Lifting:  When you go into a bookshop what do you do? you guessed right, you hold books, you take them off the shelf you put them back...This is a great way to shape those arm muscles and believe me you won’t feel tired at all; at least I don’t hhhhh. Stretching and Balance:  Let’s say you are looking for a particular book and you spot it on the top shelf so you stretch those arms and legs and stand on tipy toes to reac...