Let There Be Light - a true storyLet There Be Light - a true story by Karolina Robinson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book will give you all the feel.
I felt sad, angry, raged, helpless, hopful, terrified, sympathized, scared and many other feelings I couldn't and I can't explain or express.
It's just there is too much violence and discrimination. I felt the characters' grief, their troubles and their pain I longed to see them happy and felt happy when they seized the little moment to be happy. I can't possibly do justice to this book by simply writing this review or rating it five stars. How the hell could I give five stars to show my likeness of others suffering no no no no not ever gonna do that but I gave it 5 stars to show my support and my love to "Karo" and her mum, yes I called her Karo, and to tell her that she was brave she is actually.
The story was so powerful and it's far more real to be told on papers I felt that Karolina skipped some of the part because simply they were to painful for her to address them or revive their momery agin and I GET that. The child in me really really wanted to give her a hug and hold her as if we were best friend and cry together till there was light.

(I received a copy of the book in a giveaway I won on Facebook and for that am very very thankful)

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