
Showing posts from September, 2017


Zarox by Louis Smith My rating: 5 of 5 stars I received a copy of the e-book for an exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are mine. ‘No matter how great the battle or how devastating, keep an open mind. The power within will be the saviour,’” I went into this book not Knowing much because that’s what I like when attempting to read any book, it’s my way for trying to be honest about my reviews also it’s more fun that way. ANYWAYS Zarox is a middle grade fantasy novel about a group of 4 kids (Parker, Riley, Lucy and Callum) who were kidnapped by the evil glothers into a parallel world after they’ve gathered in their school playground at night (Riley’s dare). “It would be awesomely freaky if instead of going to hang in the Churn Zone now, we came here during the night-time,” Riley then said. Then, they met this creature Tralop who saves their lives and helps them escape from the glothers. Rotlier Rum, the Tralop, acknowledged them that their being there was no...
A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini My rating: 5 of 5 stars This book drained me. It's emotional, heartbreaking and so realistic. You could swear that these are no longer fictional characters that Khaled Housseini had carved from his imagination but they are real people that had experienced each and every single thing and endured the human cruelty. I have to speak a little bit about the female characters in this book who are one of the BEST representation I've ever seen in a fiction book. They portray the Afghan woman so truthfully and beautifully. The Afghan woman is a symbol of endurance, love, friendship, courage, beauty and everything that a woman is supposed to be they carry mountains over their shoulders and they never whimper. I think of HER as an example of every and each woman around the world; capable, caring, passionate, tolerant, forgiving, giving, and most of all a WOMAN. I had each and every feeling while reading this book; feelings of love, rage ...



Checkmate (Noughts and Crosses #3) by Malorie Blackman _SPOILERY REVIEW_

Review by Rim  DON'T READ THIS REVIEW IF YOU HAVEN'T READ THE FIRST 2 BOOKS This is the third diamond of this series and it's the BOMB in the whole entire series. It's told through out the present and the past so we get bits of how Callie Rose was brought up and what really happened to her to turn on her mother Sephy and what Jude may have done to cause that tention to start, grow and spread. This book is told through different voices alike "Sephy, Callie Rose, Jude, Meggie (Callum's mum), Jasmine (Sephy's mum)" which was great for the reader to get different view points on all what was going on by having different encounters of the stories and the events alike.  I also liked how Callie Rose character was introduced and we get to follow her along childhood which really helped in pinning the turning point for her as the main character in this book and figuering where the damage (S) were done. Also Sephy's character ha...

Knife Edge (Noughts and Crosses #2) by Malorie Blackman _ SPOILERY REVIEW_

Review by Rim DON'T READ THIS REVIEW IF YOU HAVENT READ THE FIRST BOOK Knife edge is the second book in the series and in this book we get to follow sephy and Jude but in this book we don’t see them clash into each other as Jude promised Sephy in the short story. We get to see a different part of Jude which I believe was clever and thought provoking it gets you to start to love him and hate him for doing certain things and it really reflected how he, Jude, as human rather than just a character in a book can be true, and when life feeds one lemons he may squeeze them in anyone’s eyes and that could be a totally innocent human being. Part of me really started to like Jude and think he may have changed and I really hate me for that. Also we get to see a complete different Sephy, she has matured into a women and proceeded to carry on with her life with her baby girl Callie Rose, despite the fact that she is a very young to be a mother at 18.  This book i...

Noughts & Crosses (Noughts and Crosses #1) by Malorie Blackman: BOOK REVIEW _ NON SPOILERY REVIEW_

Review by Rim This book is so powerful and heart breaking. I have to say that I wasn't huge fan of the writing style, I found it pretty flat and didn't give me a broad view of the outter world I had to figure that out by myself and through what the 2 main characters said. All in all, I loved the idea of reversed racism (the opressor became the opressed) in other word, changing the equation of racism from WHITE--BLACK to BLACK--WHITE and how the author succeeded to portray that in a way none had done before which was the winning point for this book. I liked the characters' relationships and I thought they were well built, I just wanted to see a little more about other characters in the book (Update: we get to see that in the upcoming books in the series) . Even the characters that we are supposed to hate I liked their existence which served this purpose of this book. I loved the plot twists they really kept me going but at the same time fearing to flip ...